Access Point
We at Mandell, Boisclair and Mandell, Ltd are proud to support Access Point RI and help those in our community. Recently we donated smart home devices to this great organization to make basic tasks easier for mentally disabled Rhode Islanders. Ever since Lisa had her smart home device installed, she has loved the ease of turning on lights, checking the weather and turning on the TV. The system is even connected to her cell phone so she can call her mother, friends or 9-1-1.
Access Point is a non-profit organization that seeks to provide services to children and adults with developmental disabilities. For over 50 years, Access Point has been helping disabled individuals lead fuller, more productive lives. In fact, it has been their mission from the start.
Today, Access Point provides supportive services for more than 800 adults and children with disabilities and special needs. This includes transition services, respite services, day enrichment, and residential programs. They also provide vocational training for a wide variety of adults through their People in Partnership division.